Physical fitness is the first requisite to happiness 
— Joseph H. Pilates (1883-1967)

Originally called Contrology...

Joe Pilates developed a series of mat exercises to promote fitness, general health and wellbeing. He also designed specialised apparatus or equipment using springs that allow for functional, every day and sports specific movements to be deconstructed and then challenged with gravity and variable levels of resistance. The genius of the springs is they resemble natural isotonic, concentric and eccentric movement patterns of our muscular system.

Joe Pilates also believed in the potential to achieve control of the mind over the body through regular practice of his exercise system  incorporating six specific concepts or principles which are, concentration, centering, control, breath, flow and precision. In essence we understand this today as motor control or neuromotor fitness, as Joe would often say "It is the mind that shapes the body".

Joseph Pilates was way ahead of his time. He dedicated his life to helping people overcome their physical limitations with his unique system of exercise therapy and has influenced not only the global fitness industry but the way in which physical therapy is practiced today by mainstream health professionals.

Performed correctly Pilates method of exercise can increase core stability, co-ordination,

flexibility, muscular endurance and general wellbeing.




Private lessons are the optimal way to begin learning the Pilates method. All clients start with a private lesson or initial consultation during which you will discuss your needs with the teacher and together will agree on a management plan to move forward with.

Prices and class options can be structured according to your budget, your work schedule and your other many commitments so there is no reason why you can't make a new start today and book a lesson. 

Call 0417769558 now to schedule an initial consultation




(Two people; Mat and Basic Equipment)

Once you have completed an initial private lesson you may join into a small group of others at a similar level. These sessions are focused on the matwork and use the small apparatus such as the small barrels, the magic circle, weights and poles. These classes are fun and safe, and an alternative to private lessons offering you great value for longterm practice of the Pilates method.

MAT CLASSES- Tone, Strengthen, improve flexibility, co-ordination and have fun.......

TUESDAY: 12.15pm - 1pm

Maximum 6 people

Must be currently un-injured or have GP consent to participate in group exercise

$15 per class on a 5 week class pass ( 5 week expiry.) or $20 casual

Call or Txt to book in....... 0417769558



Joseph Pilates